Renee Rosnes has a reinvigorated appreciation for the many different shapes that love can take.

With her new album Kinds of Love, the Canadian pianist and composer reflects on the many forms of love in her own life — of a romantic partner, of family members, of nature, of the arts and of the close relationships she’s forged with fellow musicians.

Kinds of Love features an all-star quintet with saxophonist Chris Potter, bassist Christian McBride, drummer Carl Allen, and percussionist Rogério Boccato.

For many of them, the recording date was one of their first times back in a studio after the long silence of 2020. During that time, Rosnes had taken the opportunity to write a full album’s worth of original compositions with these particular musicians in mind.

“I’ve tried to look at the pandemic as a gift of time, and the knowledge that I would soon be recording with my friends inspired much of the music,” Rosnes says. “It was thrilling to experience the humanity of making music again in the moment. Each of these musicians are profound, humble virtuosos and, on a human level, enlightened spirits.”