The Artistry of… Norah Jones

Norah Jones’s voice is like a pleasant breeze that has caught your sail on a perfect day on the water. Your ear is the sail and you are gently set, gliding on the sweet adventure she makes of every song she sings. The tones are purposed, rounded, and whole. There is not a single rough edge.

She is as purposed at the piano keyboard, and like the greatness of Nat King Cole, her own playing is a natural fit as accompaniment. That said, her collaborations with the biggest names in jazz and other genres are stellar artistic forays from every start to every finish.

Early work with the Peter Malick Group garnered her these words of praise in the liner notes from the group’s album, New York: “I started looking for a singer who might be open to recording for me. On a Tuesday night, I walked into the Living Room just as the singer announced the last song of the set. The Dinah Washington classic Since I Fell for You filled the room and I was struck breathless. Here, in the tradition of Billie Holiday, was a stunningly beautiful, blues infused voice.” These words of guitarist and vocalist Peter Malick describe Jones’s essence as closely as mere words can do justice to her artistry. He heard her in a club and was moved by that pleasant breeze — set adrift and into adventure by the artistry of Norah Jones.

The Artistry of… is a weekly series that reflects on the passion and essence of an artist. It airs Wednesday evenings on Dinner Jazz with John Devenish.