The Artistry of… Etienne Charles

Caribbean Creole is in the soul, the sounds, the spirit, the flavours of the food, the movements in the dance, and the lilt of the accents — and none of it would mean anything without the infectious rhythms and lyrical flow of the music.

The artists who purvey the Eastern Caribbean creole spirit are steeped in traditions and true to its essence and nuances. They bring it with a mischievous wink and a nod. Blending the traditions with the elements of jazz is the Trinidadian-born Etienne Charles.

The New York Times has given him this praise and recognition: “Exciting performances, thrilling compositions and knack for connecting with audiences worldwide … More than any other musician of his generation or Eastern Caribbean origin, Charles brings a careful study of myriad rhythms from the French, Spanish, English and Dutch-speaking Caribbean … He fully grasps the New Orleans trumpet tradition … readily discernible in his trademark instrumental swagger, and what famed Crescent City pianist Jelly Roll Morton captured in the now immortal phrase, ‘the Spanish tinge.’” High praise indeed.

Charles is dedicated to the preservation of Trinidad and Tobago’s artistic traditions. He is Caribbean Creole through and through, with a little Trini, a little papa yo, and a whole bunch of musical pelau, “in tru’t.”